STARCO - Manufacturer & Exporter of Textile Chemicals

Ecoquest CL 100

Ecoquest CL 100 is a Chelating / Sequestering Agent to be used during the Textile Processes where there is a challenge of Heavy metal ions. Ecoquest CL 100 removes heavy metal ions like Fe, Mg from the Feed by creating complex compounds that can be easily removed.

Chelating/Sequestering Agent

Key Features & Benefits

Key Features Benefits
#1 Removes Metal Ions like Fe, Cu, Mg etc.
#2 Improves Dyeing effectiveness due to less inference by heavy ions
#3 Does not interfere with regular operation of Dyeing process


1 – 10 mg/L is used as a Corrosion Inhibitor.


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Store in cool, ventilated shed away from heat and direct sunlight. Storage temperature should not exceed 35 deg C. Close lids firmly to avoid contact with air and moisture.

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