Soaping Agent-Starcodye SPLF 1015 - Starco Arochem Pvt. Ltd - Quality Focused Manufacturer & Exporter of Textile Auxiliaries and Chemicals from India
STARCO - Manufacturer & Exporter of Textile Chemicals

Soaping Agent-Starcodye SPLF 1015

Starcodye SPLF 1015 is a unique blend of polymers and surfactants giving a very soaping action without re-deposition of dyes, imparting excellent re-wetting action. Used in 100% cotton, 100% polyester & their blends, woven and knitted fabrics. It is a low foaming soaping cum wetting agent.

Key Features & Benefits

Key Features Benefits
#1 Excellent wettability throughout washing
#2 Very high detergency and emulsifying action
#3 Prevents back staining on the garments and on pocket fabric thereby giving better appeal to the garment


As a Soaping Agent – 2% o.w.f @ 70 – 80 C for Cotton / Knitted or 1% for Polyester Knitted.


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Store in cool, ventilated shed away from heat and direct sunlight. Storage temperature should not exceed 35 deg C. Close lids firmly to avoid contact with air and moisture.

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